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Internet is the Place for Auto Insurance

Almost every part of our lives has been impacted by the Internet in some fashion, but comScore, a company that specializes in analyzing trends in the online world released a study earlier this month that shows the 'net has become the place to shop for auto insurance, and not just for a few geeky members of society. The numbers comScore amassed show that connected consumers made 32 million requests for online insurance quotes in 2007, and purchased 2 million policies. These numbers represent increases of 15% and 37%, respectively, since 2006. Since 2004, the total number of requests for online rate quotes has surpassed the one million mark. Why are these Numbers Increasing? Originally, consumers logged onto the 'net to find information and compare prices, but in 2006, user habits changed.

More and more users weren't just exploring comparison charts, they were requesting quotes and completing their auto insurance purchases online. According to Kevin Levitt, vice president of comScore, "Consumers are demanding the freedom to choose their method for interacting with their auto insurer -- whether online, by phone, or in person.The rapid growth of the Internet demonstrates the importance of a multi-channel approach that includes the ability to request quotes, purchase policies and service accounts online.

" One factor in the growth of online auto insurance sales may be the increase in options for online account management. Over the last two years, more and more insurers have implemented "e-servicing," the ability to handle almost all policy related issues, from changing coverage to making payments, over the internet, without having to wait on hold or deal with automated phone services that cause more frustrations than solutions. In fact, from 2006 to 2007, e-service visits increased by 15% with 20% of those visits having their destinations in policy management pages.

Customers like control. We may not be a culture of control-freaks, but it's clear that the general public likes to feel like they are in control of their insurance policies. As Mr. Levitt explains, "Consumers appreciate the freedom and flexibility of being able to manage their policies online.

" Even better, putting this control in the hands of policy holders has resulted in a win-win situation. Insurance companies are able to offer more services for less money, and they are passing their savings on to their customers, in the form of lower rates for those who shop online. The savings customers net from using the internet aren't insignificant, either. According to a British study done late last year, just the act of going online to compare the rates of one company against another can yield a savings of 25% over the insurance premium you would pay if you actually called the different insurers you were considering.

More control, more savings, more flexibility. Is it any wonder that every auto insurance ad on television is pushing a website address instead of a phone number?.

Want to know how to get a cheap car insurance rate for up to three years? Take a defensive driving course.

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